Corinna Stubenvoll
LawyerTech-enthusiastic generalist with many years of international project management experience as legal counsel, pragmatic and solution-oriented with a passion for legal challenges.
English, German, Spanish

Contact information
After studying law at the University of Regensburg and the Friedrich-Alexander University in Erlangen, Corinna Stubenvoll initially worked as a legal advisor in public administration after completing her second state examination. However, as she had been interested in international matters since her studies, she soon moved abroad. In Switzerland, she has since worked as a legal assistant in a law firm, as a lawyer at two well-known business consulting firms and as Group Legal Counsel at an international IT company. In 2019, she completed her training as a mediator. She has been supporting the team at Härting Attorneys at Law in Switzerland since July 2024.
In her private life, Corinna can often be found hiking in the mountains and is a passionate hobby beekeeper with her bees.
Further specialist training:
- Member of the International Institute of Legal Project Management (IILPM)
- Member of the International Bar Association (IBA)
- Member of the International Association of Privacy Professionals (IAPP)
- Member of the Surental Beekeepers’ Association