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In this Privacy Talk we will discuss about the Covid-19 Tracing App on how it works in detail
So we will dive in the technical functioning until we understand it. Then we will look at it and evaluate, if personal data is processed and what it takes for the state to roll out such an App. We will then come to the point on how necessary this app is and how effective. At the end we will sum up the discussion and recommend all the use of the Covid 19-App.
- Edouard Bugnion, Vice-President, Information Systems at EPFL, One of the founders of VMware, founder of Nuova Systems, Cisco as vice president and chief technology officer of Cisco, 2011 PHD, 2012 faculty member of the School of Computer Science at EPFL.
- Lukas Bühlmann is partner at Meyerlustenberger Lachenal (MLL) and heads the digital, data privacy & e-commerce group. He advises and represents clients in the legal structuring of digital business concepts, regulatory proceedings and civil litigation. He has wide-ranging experience in assisting with contractual and regulatory implementation of cross-border transactions and business concepts in the digital economy.
- Nicole Beranek Zanon (Moderator), is one of the top lawyers in privacy in Switzerland, she holds a bilingual degree, European Law predicate, Exec. MBA HSG, she is founding partner of de la cruz Beranek Rechtsanwälte AG, an information communication and technology law boutique law firm.